Rambling wild

A blank canvas awaiting my thoughts and views on what's happening anywhere - where ever my mind takes me. A page to let the ramblings of a woman fall into, coalesce and perhaps create a painting.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


I can't beleive we have been at war for so long with no end in sight - like the president, I thought we would go in, quickly subdue Sadam and liberate the Iraqi's; start self government and then get out. Not that I was for the war - I am certainly not a pacifist and if someone attacks us on our home turf - we should certainly retaliate. Somehow, I missed the event when Sadam attacked us on US soil or even threatened us. I never understood the rationale for this seemingly endless war. I especially feel sad when I see Cindy Sheehan - no way to empathize - what do I know of losing a child? What do I Know of knowing that you borne a beloved child to lose him to a war that makes no sense? It is far better for those mom who still beleive that their sons died protecting the country - the honor of producing sons who become protectors of the country.

I actually heard one of the mothers ( those who say Cindy does not speak for them) say that her son was at war because we were attacked - and I was happy for her even if I fail to see the logic of equating the terrorists as Iraqi agressors. Unfortunately, when you are in the military, it is your job to defend or fight where the president sends you. Under the circumstances, it is better for the families to have complete faith and just act on whatever the president says. If they start to question and think and rationalize, they would all be like Cindy - demanding answers where none is forthcoming.
I mean, what is the president supposed to say - WMD is no longer applicable as that excuse can no longer be proferred. The best he could say is perhaps that we liberated the Iraqis from an evil dictator but then what would Cindy say but that the ordinary citizens are now far worse off that when the evil dictator ruled with his iron fist crushing anyone he or his sons wanted to. At least they had the basic amenities and could walk the streets to do thier errands, visit friends or whatever without the fear of being blown off.
And if the job of our military was to get rid of dictators - there are a lot of suffering populace around the world under some tyrant or the other.

So, if you want to stay sane, sometimes, it is just better not to ask any questions but just accept the situation and support your country and your president. However, before you cast your vote next time - do please rethink and evaluate your candidate and when in doubt just vote for the smarter man.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


I love this show - the singers are so much better than so called established singers like Sheryl Crow. But we all know sucess has nothing to do with talent alone. It is an outcome of a combination of factors, mostly - exposure at the right place and time. So, at least these singers have the exposure - so I am sure we will be hearing about Tara, Suzie and the others.

I especially enjoyed the acoustic show last week. I thought Suzie sang very well - I got chills listening to her rendition of Sam Cooke's "Bring it on home to me".And I can't beleive the idiotic voters did not get it. I don't think INXS will select a woman as their front person - not because they are prejudiced but because the world seem to always vote for the men and Jordis while ignoring the other women despite their stellar perfomances ( eg. Suzie's situation for 2 consecutive weeks ). Jordis, despite her good voice "IS not right for our band INXS" as she sounds more like Alicia Keys than a rocker. She will probably get a record deal and go on her merry ways and sing sweet ballads or something like that.

In my opinion, the finalists will be JD and MIG - the latter is a superb fit for INXS while JD can sing only some songs - his range is limited while he is really good when he is in his element - he easily butchered Queens's " We are the Champions" - Freddy Mercury's voice has a wider range and high top end. It was fun watching that episode when JD realized that he cajoled Jordis into giving him a song he could not sing and then backpedalling like crazy to get rid ot and not suceeding. Finally, on performance day - he blamed it all on the "surprise" at seeing hsi sister among the audience.He should have just said what the world heard - wrong song for his voice. With JD as their front man, INXS willl have to write for his limited voice range while with MIG - it would be like old times. Michael Hutchense sang a variety of songs since he had a wider range - just like MIG. I like JD - he is cute and his voice sounds good but not a good fit for INXS despite him kissig up and saying how much he loves INXS songs etc. A lot of people like JD - he has never been at the bottm three even on the day he sang the disastrous Queen's number so I expect he would be around till the end.

Anyway, happy watching tuesday!