Rambling wild

A blank canvas awaiting my thoughts and views on what's happening anywhere - where ever my mind takes me. A page to let the ramblings of a woman fall into, coalesce and perhaps create a painting.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Paul McCartney Concert

A few months back, somebody in the yahoogroup I subscribe to, put a yell out about the November concert for Sir Paul. I was not into it - not that I don't like his music - I do but not enough to pay to watch him - I was thinking I would rather buy 10 CDs than pay some $100 to watch him. So I let the tickets pass by while my sister grabbed two.
The months rolled by, and whenever the subject came up I would say things like " Paul looks like a grandma now - being so pretty in his youth, along the process of aging, he somehow switched gender ". My wise guy cracks. Actually, I do think his pictures make him look like a grandma or something decidedly more feminine. Not the roly-poly cookie baking comforting granny but just a generic sixty something woman.

Anyway, looks aside, Sir Paul just does not do it for me. So, why spend the dollars to watch and hear him? Right. Anyway, 2 days before his San Jose concert, I went hiking with my friend Honili, who said she bought 4 tickets ( really bad seats ) and had nobody to go with her. I felt bad for her so I said I would go just to help her out and in any case, I know how to have fun when I go out with friends. Left to myself, I would not have gone but under the circumstances, I happily agreed.

On November 7th, my friend managed to get four people together and off we went. We were in section 255 row 15 - and these were terrible seats - almost behind the stage and no way could we see the stage. I have no idea why these tickets were sold - but because it was Paul Mccartny, the show was a complete sold-out and fans like my friend wanted to see it. Anyway, there was a giant TV facing us so we consoled ourselves with the thought that it was the atmosphere that counts and we were going to have fun regardless.

Melody, one of us four, went to the restroom and came back very excited, informing us that the ushers were would place us at different sections - so we went and joined the line. We were given new tickets and sent off somewhere else but we soon found out those were the closed out sections so back to another usher booth. This time the four of us were seperated into groups of two and sent off to two different sections- facing the stage. Now HP Pavillion is a huge stadium - there were probabaly 25 thousand seats and even if you were facing the stage with that size, the performers still loookes like tiny creatures - so back to the TV for the up close and personal effect.
But it was certainly our lucky night, as we sat in our new seats, an usher came by and asked us if we wanted to sit closer - we said yes and got two new tickets in exchange for ours . We went to section 116 row 8. These new seats were fabulous, we could see Sir Paul quite well. We were not in the seats facing the stage but on the left side at row 8. Utterly fabulous seats.

And I must say, grandma still rocks. He sang for 2 and half hours and with vigor - voice still ringing strong and came out for 3 encores or so, I left after the second so I am not sure. He coverd a lot of beatles songs as well as his own songs so it was really wonderful. I stodd and dance for more than half his songs and ended up with sweat streaming down my face and body. What can I say, I do know how to party. Finally, at the end of it all, I have to say it was well worth the 62 bucks! For that price we ended up in the really pricey section of the stadium even though we hadto miss the entire pre-show video clips while scrambling around to translate those unuseable seats to the final fabulous ones.
Not bad for someone who did not want to go in the frist place.


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